Leighann Butler, Week 4

February 27, 2015 Onyx Danois No comments exist
Meet BIGGEST LOSER contestant Leighann!
Meet BIGGEST LOSER contestant Leighann!

BY LEIGHANN BUTLER (Special to the Morning News)

As we all know, weight loss is a journey that has its ups and downs. This past week was a tough one for me.

We had a four day weekend, Valentine’s Day, went out to lunch with friends, had friends over for dinner and we went out of town. I had a very hard time saying NO to things I should not have been eating. The thing we must all learn from this is “when the going gets tough, the tough keep going.”

I could just give up and say, “Oh, well.” That would be the easy thing to do. But would that get me anywhere? No, it would not. Everyone will have a bad week or a bad day. We are humans, it happens.

We have to remember not to let a bad day or bad week get us down. We must push forward and learn from our mistakes. I know that tomorrow is a new day and next week is a new week on this journey. I will make it, as long as I don’t give up.

Yes, I made mistakes this week, but at the same time I must remember that I can’t deprive myself of living. I know that if I deprived myself of living I will be miserable and this journey will come to a quick end for me.

As long as I don’t splurge everyday I will be OK. I just have to remind myself that making unhealthy choices is how I got to where I am. I am working hard to get away from where I am and I must learn from my bad choices and work hard to correct them.

So I may not lose four pounds this week like I did last week, but as long as I am losing and not gaining I will be OK. If I do gain, I am going to have to remember that it happens and life is not over. When I step on that scale I will remember those bad choices and learn not to make them again.

The good thing is, I realized I was making bad choice and got myself back on track. I also put it a little extra work in at the gym, because I knew if I didn’t I was going to be in trouble.

This week’s journey has taught me that times will be tough, but we must not give up. We must focus on the positive and learn from the choices we make. Life is about learning.

Everyone will have the ups and downs. The key is to not let the downs keep you down long. I always say, “You just have to pull up your big girl (or boy) pants and keep on trucking.” Happy trucking, everyone. Stay positive.


Read the story at SCNOW.com!

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