Florence, SC – We all know how unhealthy it is to be overweight as a result of bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.
Last week, I kept thinking about all of the things I can’t do because of my size. Many other contestants in Florence’s Biggest Loser competition have expressed similar thoughts.
The first thing that came to mind was the rope course at the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia. The course has a 300-pound weight limit. I don’t want to go there this summer and tell my two little girls, Emily and Malena, that we can’t do this because Daddy is overweight.
Other things are problematic, and some I can’t do at all.
For instance, seating on an airplane or sporting event is a problem. I always try to get an aisle seat so I can lean in and try not to encroach on the seat next to me. I even bought my own airplane seat extender so I wouldn’t have to ask the flight attendant. I’ve actually been asked to move to the back of a smaller propeller plane for weight balance. Are you kidding?
On many amusement park rides, I have two issues. I can’t fit into the sitting area, and the security latch will not lock.
I have an advanced scuba-diving certification, but I’m just too heavy right now. I’m afraid I will break a boat ladder.
Skydiving has a weight limit. That isn’t something you want to lie about.
My good friend Phil noted, “Horseback riding could be problematic for the horse. I guess you could switch to a camel or mule?” As the old saying goes, with friends like this, who needs enemies?
Switching gears. …
Kitty Finklea led an awesome nutrition session for all contestants Thursday. There were many great questions.
One trick while eating something sweet (such as a power bar with chocolate) is to eat after the meal.. Eating while on an empty stomach will cause increased sweet cravings.
Also, when at all possible, plan your meals and snacks for the day. It’s about educating yourself and developing a game plan that works for you.
I’m looking forward to our group’s shopping trip to Harris Teeter to increase our knowledge on how to read labels.
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John McElwee is the regional controller at the Morning News. Contact him at [email protected]. Find this story at SCNOW.com here.