Mommy Guilt!

February 18, 2015 Onyx Danois No comments exist

Hi sweet ladies!

First, I think you are doing an awesome job! With what, you ask? With everything on your plates! And I wanted to reach out to you about the Mommy Guilt. We’re not getting you t-shirts that say you suffer from that, we’re going to choose a thought pattern of truth to shore you up and give you strength.

Ready? (And I am an email or a phone call away if needed – [email protected], 843-319-5390.)

I know you know this, but our children will either receive security or insecurity from us. They look to the Moms and the Dads for this, and when we are certain of what we are doing, even if that brings change into their lives, then they will feel more secure. There is still adjustment time for major changes in their schedules and time with you, but it can happen.

So when they say, “Mommy, when are you coming home?” or “Mommy, you have to go out again? Why?” You have a choice:

Either respond with Mommy Guilt, the gift that keeps on giving, and reply with something like, “I know it’s hard, honey, and Mommy is so sorry….” – the response that multiplies their worry…

OR respond confidently and guide the conversation with something that works for you and is appropriate for their age, like, “Are you feeling sad? It’s OK to feel that way. Mommy is going to learn something new for all of us, and it will soon be over. I am so proud of you! So what can we do while I’m in this class that will help us have more fun when we’re together?” OR “What would you like to do with Daddy that would be fun while I’m at my class?”

You get the drift. Something positive.

And here’s the kicker: You have to believe inside that it really is OK for you to be doing this Biggest Loser challenge. Will it benefit you and your family? Will it help you go in the direction of your goal?

Remember the thoughts we hold in mind determine our day and our life. What are you thinking? Where does it need to be changed? What thoughts do you NEED to HOLD IN MIND that are positive, strengthening, and will fuel you forward?

Remember your reasons why. 🙂

We can always choose how we respond to a situation.

And seriously, call or email if I can help.

Love and loads of grace and self forgiveness!


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