Change Self Limiting Thoughts

February 2, 2015 Onyx Danois No comments exist

By Robin L. Lewis (Special to the Morning News)

Dear Robin,

Why is it so hard to keep the resolutions I make?


Discouraged Debra

Dear Discouraged Debra,

I’m so glad you asked. Good for you for seeing where change is needed in your life and for setting goals! You are a person of vision, and it sounds to me like you might need some help with follow through. Every choice flows from our thoughts, so let’s begin there.

Did you know that more people are held back by their own self-limiting thoughts than any other barrier or limitation? It’s true. We will never solve our problems using the same thinking we used to create them, and we will never keep resolutions until our thoughts and focus change.

Here’s some good news for you: You can change the way you think.

You can discover self-limiting thoughts.

You can change your thoughts.

And you can choose your thoughts.

For this to happen, we must first become willing to examine our thoughts. The brain is designed in such a way that it will help us discover where our thoughts are causing a problem. Then we know where to begin and work to replace that wrong thinking with a response that chooses, instead, what is true about us.

When we decide to focus on what is true, our wonderful and amazing brain creates new proteins and neural pathways to develop new ways of thinking. When we develop new and more positive ways of thinking, then we will see a change in our behavior, thus making those resolutions possible. When we choose our thoughts, we can build a new life.

Remember, Debra, that your goals also need a system. Develop and work a step-by-step system that will bring you the results you want and Presto! Change-o! you will soon see real results in your physical life.

The enemy of positive personal change is fear. We may know what we want, but if we listen to the “What ifs?” and focus on our fears, we will be in trouble. To get past your fear, take an action step. Work your system and refuse to be distracted or stopped. We all have more power and potential for change and growth than we yet realize. Debra, you can do this.

Grace for the journey,



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