Category: Ask Kitty

Ask Kitty, our Nutritionist, a question. We will pick one a week to answer! We will also try to include information for your questions in our Daily Cricket!

February 2, 2015 Onyx Danois No comments exist

By Melissa Rollins Kitty Finklea, dietician and nutritionist for Florence’s Biggest Loser, encouraged contestants at the kick-off event to take control of their food. She offered them a sample meal plan to give them an idea of what types of food would help them on their weight loss journey. Here are a few other suggestions:…

February 19, 2014 Rachel 13 comments

[fancyheading textcolor=”#8a328a” heading=”h4″]So many questions!  But we have the answers![/fancyheading] Nutrition… healthy eathing.., this or that… sodium… So many questions!  But we have the answers! Use the comments section below to ASK KITTY, our nutritionist, a question or help FEED THE CRICKET.  We’ll post Kitty’s answer or answer your question in our Daily Cricket with an…