Dear Robin,
I’m stuck on the worry that when the Biggest Loser program is over that I will go back to the way I was eating and living before. I’m afraid that I won’t keep the weight off. I can’t get this junk out of my head. Help me, Robin, for I am…
Stuck in the Muck
Dear Stuck in the Muck,
Our thoughts certainly can get away from us like the pet rabbit when the cage door is left open. First, take a deep breath and remember your WHY — all the reasons you made the decision to change your life. Those reasons are the fuel for your motivation to sustain the new habits you’ve been learning. Review them regularly.
Second, stop and think about what is happening to you. It’s been said that the number one reason people fail or don’t pursue their goals is FEAR; I also believe failure comes from listening to the wrong voice along with failing to sustain motivation. We give our feelings, like fear or worry, far too much credit, because those feelings realistically can’t really make anyone do anything. Feelings do have a voice that gets louder the longer we listen but we can choose not to listen.
When fear wants your attention, take an action step in the direction of your goals. When you take action to continue in the new habits you’ve learned, the voice of fear cannot follow you there. The truth is you don’t feel your way into acting, you act your way into feeling. And every time you do what is good for you, your self-respect builds, resulting in you feeling better.
In the same way, you also don’t wait to feel motivated but generate your own motivation. It requires a conscious decision of the will combined with mental focus to change your life. Don’t sit around hoping bad feelings will go bother someone else, speak up to it. Speak truth about the “new you” and how you are choosing to live your life. Say aloud the reasons why you are changing your life for the better. You are enjoying a new level of freedom – freedom from that extra weight, those weak muscles, and the old clothes that are now too big.
Third, give yourself grace. Speak kindly to yourself, realizing that you are doing great. Combining intentional thinking and action, you will continue to sustain your motivation, weight loss, and exercise.
Colossians 3:12 teaches us to “put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” This isn’t just for how we treat others, but also for how we treat ourselves, as well. You can do this. You’ve got what it takes. Just stir it up, drink it up and keep going.
Blessings for the journey!
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